California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Clinical Psychology Concentration

      PhD in Integral Psychology Concentration & Specializations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentrations

Center for Applied Integrative Metatheories (CAIM)

CAIM is the leading research center in the area of applying integrative metatheories (e.g., metamodernism, integral theory, critical realism, complex thought) to a wide variety of domains, topics, disciplines, and global issues. Current research projects include:

The Integral Archives Project

This project is gathering together the academic materials from The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice (9000 pages of peer reviewed content) and the Integral Theory Conference (academic papers and recordings from 4 conferences held in 2008, 2010, 2013, and 2015). By making these materials more accessible to CIHS students and the public at large – the early history of integral theory can be preserved and build upon in new and exciting ways. These materials will be listed/provided on a forthcoming webpage. 

The Varieties of Big Picture Thinking Project

 This project is documenting the various forms and types of integrative metatheory in existant today. As part of this project Center Director Sean Esbjörn-Hargens continues the work he begun in 2013 to compare and contrast the 3 main integrative metatheories on the planet: Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism, and Edgar Morin’s Complex Thought. In addition, Center Faculty Nick Hedlund is working on developing his own synthesis of these integrative metatheories he calls Visionary Realism. And Center Student Brandon Norgaard is exploring an overview of the various schools of metamodernism and how they relate to integral theory.

The Integral Ecology Project

This project is creating an online resource for environmental and ecology professionals who want to use integrative approaches to the natural world. Resources will include case studies, PDFs, lists of published articles on integral ecology and climate change, and examples of programs using integrative principles. As a field, Integral Ecology has grown quite a lot since the publication of the 2010 book Integral Ecology. Thus, this page will provide an up to date overview of the state of the field and some exciting applications in the context of environmental studies and geography.

The Integral Education Project

This project is creating an online resource for educators at all levels. Resources will include case studies, PDFs, lists of published articles on integral education, and examples of programs using integrative principles. Integral Education is a guiding orientation at CIHS and this page will also include an overview of how CIHS is using Integral Education principles to guide its own institutional development and how its academic programs exemplify integral education. 

The Metacrises Project

This project explores how integrative metatheories can be used to best address the global metacrises. This includes the Metadoxos podcast that Sean Esbjörn-Hargens and Marcelo Cardoso co-host each month. Currently Nick Hedlund and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens are finishing the third volume of the Critical Realism and Integral Theory Symposium book series. Upon publication they will host a public programs talk on the contents. 

Vertical Development and Integral Leadership

This project explores the intersection between adult development theory and how the evolution of mindset and worldviews impacts and expresses itself through leadership roles and activities. Increasingly the challenges we face in our communities, organizations, and global contexts require a different kind of leadership that can hold complexity and multiple perspectives from a wide variety of stakeholders. We are currently in the process of creating a public webpage that will provide a list of resources, articles, and case studies that exemplify integral leadership.  


Center Director

  • Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Ph.D.
    Dean of Integral Education
    Program Director Integral Noetic Sciences
    California Institute for Human Science

Affiliated CIHS Faculty and Staff

  • Nick Hedlund Ph.D
    Faculty, Integral Noetic Sciences
    California Institute for Human Science
  • Abigail Lynam Ph.D
    Faculty, Integral Noetic Sciences
    California Institute for Human Science

Affiliated CIHS Student Leaders

  • Chris Orrey
    PhD Student
    focused on Integral Policing
  • Kelly Edwards
    MA Student
    focused on Integral Theory
  • Brandon Norgaard
    MA Student
    focused on Metamodernism
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