California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Psychology Concentrations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentration

Ester Rogers

Dean of Outcomes Assessment and Educational Effectiveness, and Co-Director of Bachelor Integral Studies


Ester Rogers is an enthusiastic leader with a passion for teaching, learning, and continuous improvement. Ester’s professional background includes over 15 years of experience in higher education with extensive knowledge in leading and developing practical methods for institutional research, assessment, and accreditation in a variety of institutional settings. She has served in several leadership positions at institutions across the country and has also served as an Accreditation Liaison Officer. Ester has worked with accrediting bodies in multiple regions, and actively serves on review teams for WSCUC. She is also a graduate of the WSCUC Assessment Leadership Academy. Ester also offers consulting services to colleges and universities across the country providing insight regarding institutional research, assessment (institutional, programmatic, and course-based), program review, accreditation, strategic planning, data management, and survey research. Ester has served as an adjunct faculty member at several institutions teaching a variety of general education courses and psychology courses. Her research and professional interests include assessment and curriculum development, data analytics, consumer behavior, consciousness studies, and judgment and decision-making in minority populations.