California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Psychology Concentrations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentration

Sharon Mijares, Ph.D.

Lead Faculty


  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, 1995, The Union Institute Graduate School|

  • M.A. Psychology, 1991, Sonoma State University

  • B.A. Psychology, 1990, The Union Institute Undergraduate School


Sharon Mijares, Ph.D. is a world traveler focused on creating a better world for all. She has  authored/edited six books specifically focusing on psychospiritual  development, women’s empowerment, Breath, and a deeper look at our human  relationship from a global perspective. She has been a visiting  professor at the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica, is  an Associate Professor for National University, core faculty at CIHS and  Brandman University. Her primary focus is one of balancing power and  beauty in order to create a healthier world. The connection with Mother  Earth and openness to indigenous and psychospiritual healing practices  as well as mystical teachings empower her efforts.