California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Psychology Concentrations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentration

Cindy Reed, RN, Ph.D.

Board Member


  • Ph.D., Integrated Holistic Medicine, Universal University, 2005

  • Th.D., Energy Medicine, Holos University Graduate Seminary, 2005

  • M.A., Education, University of Iowa, 1981

  • B.S., Nursing, University of Iowa, 1978


Cindy Reed is a nurse who has spent her career collaborating to innovate improvements for individuals, groups, and organizations. She delights most in breakthrough accomplishments that benefit people and organizations. She spent most of her career in hospital and healthcare administration until meeting Bill Tiller in the early 2000’s. She holds two patents and is published in Nursing, Ophthalmology and Psychoenergetic Science. Her latest endeavors in the 3rd wave of medicine, Information Medicine, include using broadcast intention to improve mental health, physical health, autism spectrum disorder, and organizational performance. She was privileged to conduct the first human study using Dr. Tiller’s technology and sees unlimited opportunities as we enter into a future where Psychoenergetic Science plays an essential role in creating positive change. Cindy is currently the Director of Research at the Tiller Foundation.