Investigating Mechanisms of Human Being as a Whole

Subtle Energy Research Laboratory at CIHS was established in 1992 by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, founder of CIHS, as a pioneering center to pursue multidisciplinary studies of the human subtle energy. It is anticipated that the 21st century will signify the beginning of the synthesis of diverse fields of sciences, medical, biological, physical, psychological, etc., presenting a holistic new paradigm of the human being as integrated body-mind-spirit inter-connected functionally through the workings of subtle energies.
CIHS Subtle Energy Research Laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. Nandini Katre, is aimed at studying the measurable subtle energy effects and underlying mechanisms by means of bio-electrical instrumentation with rigorous analytical methodology.
The current approach for this research is primarily based upon the measurement of acupuncture meridian system of the Oriental medicine, which reflects the conditions of both physical and non-physical aspects of the body in the form of measurable physical variables. This measurement is performed by the unique electronic instrument called AMI, developed by Dr. Motoyama, in combination with conventional electro-physiological research instruments.
Subtle Body Science Research at CIHS
CIHS promotes and encourages research into the broad array of integrative sciences associated with CIHS’ academic programs. We seek to promote, support, collaborate with and do subtle body researches that:
Demonstrates the existence of subtle energetic systems;
Illuminates the mechanism of action of subtle energetic systems;
Develops and applies subtle energetic healing modalities that enhance physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
Physical laboratory facilities at CIHS include:
AMI snapshot devices
AMI continuous devices
A complete suite of current Biofeedback sensor systems
A photon counter and biophoton counting system
A BioWell gas discharge visualization device
A complex heart monitor system
One of the largest Faraday rooms in the region
A collaborative association with PsyTek Laboratories housed on campus:
GDV devices
ESTek devices
Current infrared camera for medical imaging
Brain mapping systems