California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Clinical Psychology Concentration

      PhD in Integral Psychology Concentration & Specializations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentrations

Michelle Leuschen, Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty


  • PhD Integral Health, California Institute for human science, 2022
  • MS Counseling Psychology, West Chester University, Pennsylvania, 1994
  • BA  Psychology, West Chester University, Pennsylvania, 1992


Michelle has spent 30+ years studying psychology, spirituality, and energy work. She is a disciple of a spiritual master and guru, devoting herself to the path of enlightenment. She maintains a long-standing private counseling practice uniquely blending together psychology, spirituality, and knowledge of subtle energy. In addition, Michelle teaches classes in the community on topics such as spirituality, relationships, and energy psychology, as well as leads international retreats for energy work. During Michelle‘s PhD program at the California Institute for human science, Michelle focused her studies on subtle energy and consciousness.

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