California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Psychology Concentrations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentration

Timothy Laporte, Ph.D.

Board Vice Chair and Secretary


  • Ph.D., Comparative Religion & Philosophy, California Institute for Human Science, 2011

  • M.A., Comparative Religion & Philosophy, California Institute for Human Science, 2007

  • A.B., Religion, Princeton University, 2005


Timothy Laporte, Ph.D., first joined the CIHS community as a graduate student in 2005 when he came to CIHS with the sole intention of studying the innovative mystical philosophy and scientific investigations of CIHS Founder Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama. Between 2005 and 2011, Tim studied directly and extensively with Dr. Motoyama, becoming an expert in his academic and scientific work, while simultaneously immersing himself in Dr. Motoyama’s spiritual and meditative teachings. Following his graduation in 2011, Tim has continued to serve CIHS in a variety of capacities, first as a faculty member, then as Director of the Comparative Religion and Philosophy degree programs, and most recently as Vice Chair of the CIHS Board of Directors.

As a Board Member, Tim is committed to realizing Dr. Motoyama’s vision that CIHS become the world’s premier center for mind-body-spirit education and research, and he works diligently to ensure that this dream will become a reality. Tim is excited for what the future has in store for CIHS, and he encourages all community members to participate in the great work of helping this unique institution to achieve its highest potential.