California Institute for Human Science


      PhD in Psychology Concentrations

      Master of Arts in Psychology Concentration

Masato Kashiwakura

Board Member


B.A., Bachelor of Architecture, Tokyo University, 1971


Masato Kashiwakura first joined the CIHS community as the Board Member in 2003 by the request of CIHS Founder Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, who understood the importance of work experience both in USA and Japan. Masato Kashiwakura is an architectural engineer and has worked in the construction industry, both in USA and Japan, for more than 50 years. For a number of years, this has been as a President/CEO. Prior to his administrative positions, he worked as General Manager. As a Board Member, Masato is committed to realizing Dr. Motoyama`s vision that CIHS become the world`s premier center for mind-body-spirit education and research.